Registration banki mobile
- If you are already registered to banki Online, please use same credentials.
- If you are not registered, please click on register to create a new username & password
- Press onLogin/Register
- Click on Register Icon
- Choose Account type to register then enter your Credit/Debit card number and CVV code or your ID number and it’s TPIN
- Enter your Email address and confirm it, and confirm if your mobile number is correct
- Choose a username, password and confirm password
- Choose a challenge question and set an answer for it (Challenge question’s answer has to be entered with every login)
- Please accept the terms and conditions of Electronic Banking Services Agreement then click Register.
- You will receive a notification message if your registration is successful, click Login to receive an SMS activation code on your registered mobile number.
- Enter the user name that you created during your registration and click continue.
- Enter your password, challenge answer and the SMS activation code then Click login.
- Please click login and enter your username to receive the SMS Activation code which is being sent to your registered mobile number.
- In case you didn’t receive it, please contact banki Phone 19191 for assistance.